Best of the Decade / Helen Teague / National Albums
Helen Teague – National Albums
Current Joys – Wild Heart
This album is so watery, hear wrenching. If my soul could write songs I wish they sounded like these.
The Courtneys – The Courtneys
This album stayed up late at night in my bed with me while I dealt with anxiety, matching the pace of my heartbeat while I panicked about a guy who would eventually totally screw my life up.
Chemical Brothers – Further
Comes with an entire like 45 minute movie, an INCREDIBLE album to watch on a TV. I haven’t heard anything else like it.
Parquet Courts – Light Up Gold + Tally All the Things That You Broke
A goofy album full of so many words, I remember reading he can’t even remember all of the lyrics and forgets/messes them up when playing live sometimes. Hell yeah.
Light Asylum – Light Asylum
Light Asylum gets shit done. She is the most powerful, this album is RAW. Real. Jesus, words don’t do this justice.
Deerhunter – Monomania
They did a great job with this album, I love that old cracklyness. Pensacola? Great fucking song. That early stuff that people become nostalgic for.
Tierra Whack – Wack World
This is an ART! PIECE! Limiting them all down to 1 minute??? And making you want so much more????? Brilliant.
tUnE yArDs – Bird Brains
Merrill’s music is simultaneously so summer, yet so fall, I feel like I’m in an original Hulu tv show when walking to this album and I’d have a cool animated intro title, she grasps how to make soft yet very powerful music.
Peter Bjorn and John – Gimme Some
I literally have this album cover tattooed on my arm so of course it’s on this damn list. They went ALL. OUT. ON. THIS. ALBUM. Top to bottom, this shit rocks. Especially when they play I Know You Don’t Love Me in their encore for like 9 solid minutes when they play live? Yes please.
Ought – Sun Coming Down
They get that weird ass talk-singing down. Men for Miles is my ANTHEM! TO MY LIFE! BECAUSE THERE WERE MEN FOR MILES AND DOESN’T IT JUST BRING A TEAR TO YOUR EYE!