Hildur Victoria: Herringbone EP Review
I recently checked out the relatively new local band Hildur Victoria, thanks to seeing fantastic photos of them over on photographer Meredith Westin’s site (though it should also be noted that Northern Outpost has been on to them from day one as well). The talented quartet plays moody, heavyhearted pop songs that sound like a cleaner-cut, more accessible take on the shoegaze sound of the early nineties. The group is led by vocalist Margaret Lane, whose breathy lyricism set a forlorn tone that is complemented by her backing band’s (which includes Tapes N’ Tapes drummer Jeremy Hanson) deliberately paced rhythms.

HV recently released their debut EP, a short collection of four songs that goes by the name Herringbone (on account of the Kevin Russell designed cover). Herringbone starts with “Four Young Son’s” a slow burning tune that carries a great deal of weight in sentiment (made even more so my Lane’s crying the words “too heavy” repeatedly) as well as some bluesy chords from guitarist Joe Clark. The pace is quickened a bit for the EP’s banner track, “Diamond Eyes,” which nonetheless, makes it only slightly less melancholy. Diamond boasts some inspired musicianship and rhythm changes, and Lane’s whispery nature metaphors make excellent dressing. “Pallisades” and “”Wilder-ness” fill the rest of the EP out – in the former a note of disgust creeps into Lane’s vocals as she cries about walls (you keep yours/I keep mine/you build yours up/I build mine higher) and in the latter she wails loudly over musicianship that builds to a wildly agressive climax.

Even if Herringbone only has a short number of songs, it’s evident that Hildur Victoria is a band that could go places. While their music occasionally seems a little too buttoned down, when the band really does open the floodgates their talent obviously shines through. At this point I think that the only thing that could hinder their sound is an attempt to restrain it in an attempt to become more radio friendly. I would love to these these guys really let loose though and look forward to their future work.
— Jon Behm
Hildur Victoria – Diamond Eyes
Hildur Victoria’s next show is March 20th at the Kitty Cat Klub