Flying Lotus – See Thru To U feat. Erykah Badu
Flying Lotus has made some of the most interesting spaced out instrumental electronic music of the last half decade, and to his credit he seems to be consistently evolving. After the great, but chilled out, Los Angeles, Steven Ellison really started warping minds with his left field gems Cosmogramma and Pattern + Grid EP. He will be in October with his new LP Until the Quiet Comes, off of which you can hear the Erykah Badu collab “See Thru To U” above. The song features some jazzy elements wrapped in idiosyncratic rhythms (along with Badu’s sultry vocals), so not too much has changed, but it has a different, more electro-R&B feel than some of his older work. While the song is interesting, I hope Flying Lotus isn’t following the lead of groups like The Weeknd or the Tri-Angle Records bands, as his sound has always been so strong and unique that is would be a shame to see him following the path someone else laid down.

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