Ecid: Post Euphoria, Vol. 1 EP Review
Werewolf Hologram was very much an emotional roller-coaster of disdain and cynicism as only Ecid could deliver it, but several things happened to Ecid in the process of making Post Euphoria, Vol. 1. Most notably, the samples he used got a lot more stark, the rhythms grew more frenzied and his delivery still manage to be well varied enough to keep a listener intrigued; he’s cynical, very direct and knows when to vary the volume in his voice to make a song all the more entertaining.
For example, the lead off song “Burn Everything” manages to hurl a stark piano line and frantic percussion, whereas “Dream Boat” uses deep percussive elements and hand claps along with grungy guitars to get its point across, and then you have “Kum & Go” with some more stark guitar notes and similar percussive elements, while Ashley Gold manages to balance everything out. Elsewhere on the EP, you have Sean Anonymous & Rapper Hooks join in on “2Pac Cobain” with its frantic synth structure while they all trade verses, and Rapper Hooks manages to deliver the highlight of the EP in his verse. Also you find an updated version of “Akmude Sallam” which was originally a highlight from one of his earlier albums, Biograffiti, and manages to give it a fresh new percussive and vocal update, which helps with the story line and its ending climax with its cavernous and rich kicks.
While folks may be quick to label Post Euphoria, Vol. 1 as a filler EP, there’s a lot of elements here that suggest that Ecid is readying himself for an updated sound since he’s getting ready to release a new record titled Pheromone Heavy, and the new sound context in this EP with more usage of live elements blended with his witty sample chops prove that this is anything but a filler release, this is more to whet the appetite for what’s to come. Should be exciting to see where Ecid goes next.
Ecid will be doing a release party for “Post Euphoria, Vol. 1” on Satuday, March 23rd at the Triple Rock Social Club. Rapper Hooks will be hosting, and Bomba De Luz, Enemy Planes and Sean Anonymous are also scheduled to perform. Tickets will be $8 in advance and $10 at the door. This is an 18+ show with doors at 9pm, and music begins at 10pm.

Writer / co-founder