James Blake “Retrograde” (TONIGHT at First Ave)
James Blake has done an admirable job being an electronic sound alchemist, fusing together the dusty, throbbing beats of dubstep with a serene pop sensibility, floating his Jeff Buckley-esqe vocal quiver in for good measure. His latest album, Overgrown, seems like he is polishing the edges even more, crafting songs that both float you into the clouds and shake your tonsils with their rattling bass. Soak in the beauty/chaos of “Retrograde” above and, if you dare, see Blake tonight at First Ave. After seeing him the last time he was here at First Ave (which I think was before their insane new sound system), I can say that he isn’t afraid to crank up the bass to levels that make you feel like someone is kicking your lungs in.

Writer / co-founder