No Joy “Lunar Phobia”
No Joy’s 2010 debut record Ghost Blonde was a solid entry into the current crop of shoegaze followers. While their debut sounded a little rough at times with its DIY home recording, the just released follow-up Wait To Pleasure is a solid professionally recorded affair and the progress shows. From the waves of noisey guitar of the opening track “E” to the electronic beats and keyboards of “Blue Neck Riviera”, Wait To Pleasure is a solid step in the right direction of the front of the crowd. “Lunar Phobia” clearly takes its queues from the beats and vocals of My Bloody Valentine at their poppiest yet keeps thing unique enough to set them apart.
No Joy plays the Whole in the University of Minnesota’s Coffman Union tonight with Metz and Buildings. Music starts at 8:30 and the show is $7 for non-students.
Writer / photographer / Reviler co-founder