Shabazz Palaces “They Come in Gold”
Shabazz Palaces stormed into our existence in 2011 with their amazing Black Up LP — my favorite record of that year — but outside of a few great shows here, we haven’t heard much from the duo since. Luckily this changed earlier this week when they not only announced their next LP Lese Majesty, they released the great track “They Come in Gold,” which is part of the “The Phasing Shift” suite. Like their previous material (they had two independently released LPs before Black Up), the beats are soulful yet murky and Ishmael Butler is as obtuse and confident behind the mic, almost blending in with the haze that he creates with Nep Sidhu. The record is 18 tracks that are grouped into seven suites, and the whole LP is as amazing as the lead single leads one to believe. Needless to say, this album is making a beeline for the front of the “best of 2014″ list, and it isn’t even out for two months. If purple vinyl and a bonus 7” are your thing, pre-order the record HERE.

Writer / co-founder