Listen to New Tracks From Forthcoming LPs From Mary Lattimore and Armand Hammer

If the Venn Diagram held huge fans of harpist Mary Lattimore in one circle and huge fans of minimalist rap super duo Armand Hammer (billy woods & Elucid) in the other, I’m not sure how many people would exist in the overlap. It’s possible it would be an Arrested Development-esqe “there are dozens of us, DOZENS!” but I bet there are actually many people out there who appreciate both of these soncially/musically different artists. They definitely both sit near the top of my list of favorite current artists, so I was very excited when on the same day last week both officially announced their new albums coming out this fall and decided to lump them together in a joyous post about albums I’m sure will dominate my earspace in the coming months.

You can listen below to the terse, beautiful “And Then He Wrapped His Wings Around Me” (feat. Meg Baird and Walt McClements) from Lattimore’s forthcoming Goodbye, Hotel Arkada LP. Then, once you’re lulled into the peaceful tranquility of her music, chase it with the harsh, teeth-clenching minimalist fury of “Trauma Mic feat. Pink Siifu” (produced by DJ Haram) from Armand Hammer’s forthcoming We Buy Diabetic Test Strips.

Stream and pre-purchase both albums in various formats via their Bandcamp pages below.

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