Soothing Sunday: The Space-y, Twin Peaks & E2-E4 Referencing “some fantastic proportion” by Friends Meeting

This series seeks to highlight options for musical escapism for those of us who find the end of the weekend, and the looming resumption of the hustle and stress of the “work week”, with a level of dread. It’s been described as the “Sunday Scaries,” and it’s a bummer. While we actually should work to change this broken system where we are made to feel lucky getting a few hours off before being send back into the gaping maw of propping up a system that only seems to work for billionaires, in the meantime we’re going to suggest some chilled out, calming or otherwise soothing music for you to listen to in hopes of at least sanding off the edges of capitalism’s ongoing dread machine. 

When I first saw this collab effort from the legendary m. geddes gengras and Ben Seretatrack on Bandcamp, it said that the track “lands somewhere between “Laura Palmer’s Theme,”…. and “E2-E4″ by Manuel Göttsching,” I immediately experienced the “just take my money” meme reaction in real life. This was before I saw that proceeds were going to the National Day Laborer Organizing Network’s fire relief fund to help folks in LA impacted by the recent fires. And then I listened to the track, which has blown my mind numerous times in the last few weeks. While the world seems to be burning, it was a good reminder that not all is broken.

“some fantastic proportion” is a 23 minute track that glistens like a brand new quarter in the summer sun, melding electronics and non-electronic instruments in a way that highlights the Twin Peaks reference in the track explanation and very much honors the legendary Göttsching album that is a personal all time favorite of mine. This song isn’t as chill as others will be in this series, but it does float along in a way that is easy to get lost inside of, showcasing a track that even at 23 minutes requires multiple listens in order to find all the refractions and secrets.

This is a track that eludes easy classification, but injects directly into your veins and spiritual center, creating a world in its short lifespan that opens doors you didn’t even know exists. It’s isn’t peaceful, per-se, like lots of ambient music, but it’s a track that is a trip worth taking.

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