Allah-Las: “Catamaran”

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3 Responses

  1. HoneyCombs says:

    My Dear John Behm,
    Thank you for another insightful post. You always seem to find the gems. I am a long time reader, first time commenter.

    One point of clarification: whilst relishing “Catamaran,” I performed a “Google Search” only to discover the Allah-Las do not come from San Francisco, as you suggest, but rather they hail from Los Angeles, California. In the spirit of transparency and accountability, I respectfully request you amend your post accordingly.

    Sincerest regards,

  2. jonbehm says:

    Thanks for the tip HoneyCombs – I’ll make the fix as soon as I can. And thanks for reading!

  3. Jon says:

    Glad these guys are getting some love

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