Stream: Nightosaur “Spaceaxers”
Do you like metal music? Do you like you like having fun? Do you live in Minneapolis? If you answered “yes” to all three, then you should find yourself at the Triple Rock Social Club tonight when local metal dudes Nightosaur will be joined by fellow noisemakers STNNNG, Gospel Gossip and Red Desert in celebration of their recently released sophomore LP Spaceaxers. If you answered yes to the first but either hate fun or are geographically removed from the glorious Twin Cities, you can at least stream and the buy the new LP (HERE) from this hardworking crew. The record, for those on the fence, is a thick, meaty slab of prog-metal delivered with maximum levels of gusto, touching down both in the fun, over the top side of the spectrum and scratching that “wildly technically proficient” itch that seems to be a prominent fixture on metal fans. Listen below and decide for yourself and if you are around, and up for it, check out the great lineup tonight at the Triple Rock Social Club.

Writer / co-founder