Earl Sweatshirt “Chum”
I am on record stating my disdain for Odd Future (but most specifically Tyler, the Creator), but I have found myself coming around lately, first with the elctro-funk R&B of Frank Ocean and now finally hearing the genius that everyone has said all along rests in Earl Sweatshirt. His latest track, “Chum,” is the kind of dark, gritty track that I expected to hear when everyone made the initial ruckus about the crew. Over a sparse, rattling beat, Earl goes all in about his absent father, his childhood journey from straight A’s to stealing bikes, being “too black for the white kids and too white for the black kids” and back again in three jam packed minutes. If this song is any indication, the forthcoming LP from Earl might be the final piece swinging me around to the Odd Future camp, as long as Tyler doesn’t do or say something ignorant in the meantime. No word on if this song is from said forthcoming album, but one would hope.

Writer / co-founder