Nomia: “Iron and Rust” Review
It can be tough to convey meaning in music without the benefit of being able to spell things out explicitly with lyrics. Minneapolis trio Nomia, however, does just that in their newest LP Iron and Rust. Over the space of seven tracks, Nomia uses expertly orchestrated post rock to paint vivid sonic pictures. While the exact portrait might vary by listener, there are commonalities that aren’t quite as open for interpretation. An immense sense of scope for instance. Nomia’s sound is full of epic builds, cathartic explosions, oceans of noise, all courtesy of intricate guitar melodies and pummeling rhythms of bass and drums.
There is also a certain despondency to Nomia’s sound that is fairly constant. Whether in “Ad Infinitum’s” crushing rhythms, “The Precipice’s” disconsolate piano keys, or “A Windswept Tree’s” epic math rock exploration; the mood is pretty dark across the board. It’s beautiful in its darkness though, and gives stark contrast the moments on the record that suggest more uplifting themes (for instance “Fire is Born’s” infectiously propulsive flow).
The last common thread to be found throughout Iron and Rust is the band’s relentless pursuit of perfection, which comes out in pristinely recorded, perfectly executed music. There are no dropped chords, missed beats, or moments of filler – each moment on Iron and Rust sounds carefully thought out and practiced hundreds of times. There is a sense of wildness in the music but that wildness doesn’t come from from a place of chaos. It’s a precisely constructed intensity, made by artists that have a fine understanding of the nuances of sound dynamics as well as how to channel a tempest into a clear cut framework.
It’s that standard of high quality that have made Nomia a favorite among local music fans, even if it means that years pass between instances of any recorded material. And considering that, it is certainly a good thing that Iron and Rust is a great record: judging by the band’s past output, it may be a while before we see LP number two.
— Jon
Nomia will release Iron & Rust on August 23rd at the Triple Rock Social Club. Hardcore Crayons, Morality Crisis, and More.Is.More will also perform.