Evicted: Tongue Party’s August Residency @ Downtown Grumpy’s – Pt. 3: Mother Sky & Much Worse
It’s time again to get loud and snotty, boys and girls. TONGUE PARTY relentlessly bring the noise to Downtown Grumpy’s for their third week of…noise. Per usual, they’ll have some help.
Mother Sky is a new unit comprised of members of local Milwaukee transplants Sonic J, so watch the skies for falling riffs. They’ll have their work cut out for them, as manic punk monsters Much Worse will also be tearing a hole in someone/thing. So by all means, come out for some sonic destruction, but don’t expect some kind of fanny-patting, head-tussling ho-down.
Guitarist Adam Hile remembers when Metallica played the US Bank Stadium the same night TONGUE PARTY were noising up Grumpy’s.
“The air was thick, the moments tense,” he said. “You could see the staff bracing for an onslaught, a full on offense. Luckily, we went on right when most of the crowd from Metallica showed up and let me tell you, for a bunch of people who like ‘aggressive’ and ‘heavy’ shit, these wankers couldn’t fucking hang.
“The moral of this story is that they all hated our music but I had a great fucking time blasting them with typical Tongue Party show decibel levels while simultaneously bumming them out.”
Come on down to Grumpy’s tonight around 9 PM and bast in that legacy: TONGUE PARTY – bumming out “fans” of heavy music since 2014.

Adam Johnson lives in Minneapolis with his wife, cats, and guitars.