Listen to Sound Collage Artists Chihei Hatakeyama + Jordan Reyes and See Them Tonight at a Drone Not Drones Curated Show at the Parkway Theater in Minneapolis

Drone Not Drones, the venerable institution here in Minneapolis run by our friend Luke, has taken the last few years off from his 28-hour drone because of COVID, but that doesn’t mean he is done bringing great ambient/noise/electronic music to our eardrums. The latest case in point is a show tonight (Wed, May 25) at the Parkway Theater that DND are sponsoring bringing together talent from (literally) across the world. If you aren’t familiar with Tokyo-based Chihei Hatakeyama & Chicago-based Jordan Reyes (ONO), we’ve put some music below but there is also a very thorough explanation on the two non-Minnesota artists in the event page that you can find HERE. (Also joining is local avant garde legend Paul Metzger, but you know him.) Tickets are $22 at the door and music starts at 7:30. Should be an amazing nights of sounds and visuals!

Writer / co-founder