Listen to the Compilation “Five Years of Æther Sound” From Local Ambient Label | Release Show Celebration TONIGHT at Icehouse!

Five Years of Æther Sound, an exciting new local comp, brings together 20 songs that touch a myriad of different experimental and ambient sounds from artists that are part of the Æther Sound community. There are spaced-out mellow jams, noisy abstract dirges and everything in-between, befitting a label that stretches the genre limits to their very max.
The Minneapolis label is using their five year anniversary to not only release a great new CS that you can stream/purchase below, but also to host a show tonight (Wed, 12/21) at Icehouse in Minneapolis. The set will bring together Kindohm & Jesse Whitney, Eyedubs, Aros E-V & Crystal Myslajek, John C.S. Keston, Ryann Daisy Swimmer, and Pete Kvidera for a night of enchanted, ambient sounds. You can get a sense of the great work being captured by Æther Sound via the comp below.
Assuming it doesn’t get snowed out, music starts at 8pm tonight and tickets are $15. More info on the showcase HERE.

Writer / co-founder