Dr. Dog at The Fine Line Music Cafe Review

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5 Responses

  1. jonbehm says:

    Nice shots Meredith! Josh, your stuff is ok too… ; )

  2. solace says:

    sorta glad i decided to just keep drinking at a friends and eat my ticket for this show now…

    their in-store at the Fetus kicked a ton of ass, so it’s definitely not the band that’s changed much in this case as much as it’s the surroundings as you mentioned.

  3. fincher says:

    ummm…this concert was actually AMAZING and the light show adds a new element to Dr. Dog’s music. i didn’t think the show felt rehearsed at all.

  4. solace says:

    i should also add that their new drummer Eric Slick is frickin’ amazing

  5. Joel says:

    I’m with fincher on this one. I thought the show was great. It was a nice blend of old stuff and new stuff (although I would have liked to hear a few songs of Easy Beat). I agree that the new songs aren’t as good as the songs off We All Belong, but I really don’t think anything has really changed with band with their move to a new label.

    I don’t think adding a lighting rig has changed their approach on stage, and it definitely doesn’t have anything to do with the music being played. Dr. Dog gave a high energy set that held the room’s attention for the better part of an hour and a half. They reaffirmed why they are one of the best live acts around in my opinion on Saturday.

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