The High Five With Julianna Barwick
Julianna Barwick is a phenomenally talented vocalist based in Brooklyn. She has a new record, The Magic Place, due out on February 22nd, and will be performing in the acoustically stellar confines of Minneapolis’s Southern Theater on February 3rd.
1. If you were going on a cross country road trip and could bring a long any three people in the world, who would they be and why?
My boyfriend, my dad, and Bill Murray. Because I can imagine that would be endlessly entertaining, hilarious, and amazing.
2. What is one album that you feel has changed your life and how?
I would definitely have to say bjork’s ‘debut’, because before that it was all pearl jam and Amy grant, etc. It was definitely an eye-opening sonic experience. Nearly 20 years later it’s an album I still love and I can’t say that about any other records I was listening to back then. She changed everything for me as far as how I thought a singer sings, writes lyrics, looks.. So definitely ‘debut’.
3. Who are a band that you feel should get more recognition that they do, and why?
Brooklyn’s finest, Helado Negro. Roberto Carlos Lange is a force to be reckoned with. I’ve never see such a truly GOOD band get a crowd to not only enjoy the music, but grin ear to ear. It’s infectious and fun and great.
4. What is your favorite live music memory (performing or attending)?
I think it would have to be when I opened for Dirty Projectors last minute in London, on my first trip overseas to do shows. I had a good time playing, and was really blown away by their set. I was pretty dazzled and trying to figure out HOW they were doing what they were doing. It was great.
5. Finish this sentence: “Minneapolis is a great place to_________________________”
Stalk Prince? Just kidding.
Julianna Barwick: Site