A Tribe Called Red: “The Road” / Minneapolis Idle No More Day Of Action
The Idle No More movement is a protest movement that was originated by Canadian native/aboriginal groups to fight against the right wing Canadian government’s attempts to undermine existing environmental laws and treaty rights. Many of those laws, which the Canadian government has attempted to abolish in favor of industrial development, protect land and water that is considered vital to native sovereignty (not to mention way of life).
While Idle No More hasn’t received much press or attention outside of Canada, the grassroots movement is slowly beginning to gain some traction in the hearts and minds of the rest of the world. INM will attempt to metastasize that growing realization by staging a worldwide day of action this coming Monday on 1/28. Since I am no expert on the movement, I will refer you to the official description from the website:
“This day of action will peacefully protest attacks on Democracy, Indigenous Sovereignty, Human Rights and Environmental Protections when Canadian MPs return to the House of Commons on January 28th. As a grassroots movement, clearly no political organization speaks for Idle No More. This movement is of the people… For The People!”
Locally, this event will take place at 5pm with a rally at Gold Medal Park. More information here.
For the musical side to this event (this is a music blog after all) look to Canadian DJ crew tribe Called Red who remix native chants with club music and dubstep. For a great take on the Atlanta Braves’ chant, listen here, or below you can stream the official track that tribe Called Red recorded exclusively for the Idle No More movement. Tribe Called Red will NOT be performing at our local rally, but that shouldn’t dissuade you from attempting since this is an issue that will have far-reaching implications throughout North America.
— Jon Behm