Gospel Gossip “Except You”
Outside of a 7″ released last year, we haven’t had recorded material from local shoegaze trio Gospel Gossip since 2009, but that dry spell will be coming to an end in March with what looks to be a self titled LP. You can listen below to the breezy “Except You,” which might be the most serene, clear eyed material the group has ever produced. The guitars are virtually free of fuzz, the lead vocals are crystal clear, and there is even a haunting vocal accompaniment that glides along in the background of the song. I’m not sure if “Except You” is the opening salvo in a new chapter for Gospel Gossip or just a distinctly mellow track to give us a taste of the forthcoming record, but the good news is that the conversation has shifted regarding new GG material from wondering if it will come to wondering what it will sound like.

Writer / co-founder