Stream: Diva 93 ‘Disappear Today’ (Tour Kickoff Show Tonight at Hexagon)
Diva 93 is the lo-fi, experminetal ambient/pop project of Jess from Dust Buns. She released a tape in August called Disappear, which you can stream below. It is a great fall record, all tape hiss and wobbly instruments, spooky keyboard lines and rattling percussion. Kind of like the Knife if they stripped everything down to the bone. Diva 93 are going on a tour this fall, with the kickoff show tonight at the Hexagon Bar in South Minneapolis with The Velveteens, Larry Wish & His Guys and Hastas. Check out some local music and grab a Diva 93 tape and send her on the road with a little cash in her pocket.

Writer / co-founder