House music and politics mix together on DJ Sprinkles and Mark Fell’s “Fresh”
On “Fresh,” which is the A-side to the Fresh/Insight 12″ the duo recently put out, DJ Sprinkles and Mark Fell create a slow-burning house jam with a political twist. A few minutes into the track, you hear the raggedy voice of a old man, who happens to be the late famed British Socialist Tony Benn. Culling from a speech Benn gave, the middle of the track creates a stirring spectacle out of what before and after the speech is otherwise a fairly pedestrian track. Benn isn’t an electrifying orator, but his passionate speech, meshed with the solid canvas created by the two DJ’s, creates an entertaining and compelling track. You can try and buy the 12″, but it’s sold out most everywhere that isn’t discogs.
If you like the song, the duo did a similar project a few years back on the song “Say it Slowly,” which found them taking a speech by Arthur Scragill, the famous leader of the National Union of Mineworkers.

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