Stream new CS from Tony Peachka (Release show TONIGHT!)
We’ve already introduced Tony Peachka , so we can skip the pleasantries and get right to the reason you are here. They’ve got a new tape. Out on the local No Problem Records. It’s 8 tracks (not to be confused with it being on a 8-track…we have only devolved format wise to cassettes so far) of quirky garage pop/punk. It’s smart, sarcastic, and full of hooks. The band say it is about “self doubt, trying really hard, failing, self-actualization, and weird neighbors. and sex, probably.”
Listening through the full tape, which is out digitally now and on CS now, I think they are selling it to us like it is. It is fun and joking at times, serious and somber at others. It never goes too far down an rabbit hole, and successfully filibusters any chance of tucking it neatly into one genre. There have been a rash of smart, off-kilter pop bands locally that are too young to have experienced it in real time, but are capturing the spirit of the 90’s left field pop/indie. dirty knees can be confidently added to the list of bands who are taking the winding path to get to their destination, but have created a great album along the way. Listen to the full release below and join the band tonight (Saturday, Oct. 1) at the Triple Rock Social Club for their release party. Joining them will be Half Tramp, The Florists and Daisy Chains.

Writer / co-founder