Interview: Shonen Knife / Show This Week

Shonen Knife will perform at the Fine Line on Wednesday night, 10/2 (tix/info). We caught up with founding member Naoko Yamano in advance of the show.
Reviler: Congratulations on your 38th year as a band! Do you have any tips for lasting as long as you have and continuing to find new ways to express yourselves?
Naoko (Shonen Knife): I think i have no tips. I’ve just been coping with the matter in front of me. I don’t think about long future and I never look back. It’s these points with which I can continue the band. The supports form our fans and our staffs are very helpful, too.
Reviler: Having lived through several new waves of popular music, what do you think about what’s being produced today? Is there anything you are particularly impressed with?
Naoko: I like 1970’s and 60’s classical rock a lot. I don’t listen to new music. Most of all patterns of rock music were already appeared. Classical rock is very fresh for me. I like to find such bands which I didn’t know. It is getting easy to find through internet. I usually listen to R&B, soul, disco music at home.
Reviler: How do you feel like the music production and touring landscape has changed for women over the years? Do you feel like things are easier for women than they were when you started? Are there new challenges?
Naoko: I’ve never felt inconvenienced as being a female during touring. Only one inconvenience is I don’t have enough power to carry heavy equipment.
Reviler: It’s a pretty turbulent time in the U.S. right now, politically, culturally, and economically. As a visitor, is that something that comes across in your travel, shows, etc? Or does it feel the same?
Naoko: I hope everyone can get happy through our music!

Reviler: Can you tell us a little about your latest album, Sweet Candy Power which you are currently touring behind? How would you describe it to someone who is not familiar with your sound?
Naoko: This tour is the Sweet Candy Power Tour 2019. This new album is inspired by 70’s and 60’s rock music and singing about happy fun things from my experience. I enjoy playing new songs at our shows. Our audience’s reaction was very good. They clap their hands and give us “Candy” call.
Reviler: Do you have any favorite Japanese restaurants in the Twin Cities that you plane to visit? (and if not, Reviler heartily recommends Ramen Kazama in Minneapolis).
Naoko: I don’t know any Japanese restaurants in the Twin Cities. If I have time, I would like to try to go to Ramen Kazama.
Reviler: What’s next for Shonen Knife?
Naoko: 10 days after this North American tour is finished, we will go to Australia and New Zealand for one month touring. Then we will have some shows at somewhere. After that there is no plan but I hope to write more songs.
Shonen Knife will perform at the Fine Line on Wednesday night, 10/2 (tix/info)