Introducing: Local Punks Basement Boys (Release Show Saturday!)

Basement Boys are a local band who seem uninterested in overthinking things. The 10 songs on their debut, self-titled CS are streamlined punk songs that, other than the noisy 4-minute album closer “Mrs. Rofonso’s House,” keep to two minutes or less. The guitars are razor sharp, the bass and drums play their role and the singing feels snarly and sufficiently disinterested. You’ll be able to tell about 90 seconds in if you’ll like the album. Listen below and judge for yourself. I found it great and can’t wait to see the band live as I imagine the songs will have an even greater urgency on stage.
The band are celebrating the release of their new tape on Saturday (11/2) at the Terminal Bar in Northeast. Joining the band for their release show will be Healthy Competition, Post-Hype Sleeper and Oyster World. It’s free and music is set to start at 9:30. RSVP HERE.

Writer / co-founder