You Can Support Minneapolis Independent Radio Station KRSM AND Get a New LP of Great Local Artists

Local independent radio station KRSM is having a fundraiser to support their grassroots station, and instead of trying to pawn off stupid tote bags or ugly t-shirts, they compiled a 12-song release of some of the best artists in the Minnesota music scene for a record that is only available through this fundraiser. The record, titled Radio for All Vol. 1, features Reviler favorites like Greg Grease & Mmyykk (of AstralBlak) with The Lioness, Aby Wolf, I Self Devine, Big Quarters, Bones & Beeker, deM atlaS, Sarah White and more. You can sample the songs below, but if you need more than “support real local radio” and the artist list above, I’m not sure you’re savable. Buy the record on vinyl or digital through the fundraiser HERE.

Writer / co-founder