Eternal Summers “A Salty Salute” (Guided By Voices Cover)
Listen to the dreamy cover of the Guided by Voices classic track “A Salty Salute” by dream pop band Eternal Summers, who we wrote about before and took part in our High Five interview series. The booze fueled energy that drives the original song is stripped away in favor of a simple bass line and some pretty harmonies. Not sure how die-hard fans will feel, but give the group credit for trying to make it their own. The track comes from the now sold out Wild Animal Kingdom Tape Release Guided by Guided By Voices, which collected current indie bands playing their favorite songs by GBV. Find out more HERE. If this just doesn’t cut it, check out the classic 92-96 GBV lineup when they roll through town on Oct 12th at the Mainroom.
Eternal Summers- A Salty Salute

Writer / co-founder