Daniel Higgs “He” and “She” excerpts
Following Moon Glyph on their journey through the best of the Minneapolis scenes psych and ambient bands has been an exciting trip, but I think they lost me on their latest release. The new tape from Daniel Higgs, titled Ultra Terrestrial Hymns, is a one man journey through sound manipulation featuring his work recorded straight to tape using warped drum machine, banjo, spoken word, organ & didgeridoo, and it simply feels a little too far out for me. The excepts below provide a good example of the word, which while feeling organic and definitely creative, feels too disjointed and arbitrary for me, lacking at least a minimal amount of direction that would be a centrifugal force for the work. All that being said, check out the tracks below and see if the works grabs you, as I am inclined to trust Steve at Moon Glyph and his taste on this type of music over my own, but this one simply didn’t connect with me.
Writer / co-founder