Favorite 20 Shots of 2012 (Adam)
As a supplement to our Best Of 2012, our photographers share their 20 favorite shots of the year.
Ghost at Station 4 (1/25)
STNNNG at Grumpys (1/28)
Zoroaster at the Turf Club (2/2)
Peter Case at Amsterdam (3/22)
Thee Majesty at Nick & Eddie Warehouse (4/7)
Get Rad at Gilead Media Fest (4/28)
False at Gilead Media Fest (4/29)
Justin Townes Earle at the Varsity Theater (5/7)
Meshuggah at First Avenue (5/13)
Maledicere at Heliotrope 9 (5/24)
Claps at Heliotrope 9 (5/25)
Prostate at Heliotrope 9 (5/25)
Killer Mike at the Fine Line (7/5)
STNNNG at the Turf Club (7/27)
Awkward Bodies at the Hexagon (8/25)
Bob Mould Band at First Avenue (9/15)
Saint Vitus at the Triple Rock (10/1)
Ice Volt at Patrick’s Cabaret (10/27)
Earth at Triple Rock (11/18)
The Book Of Dead Names at the Hexagon (11/21)