Flashback Friday: Don’t Think I’ve Forgotten: Cambodia’s Lost Rock and Roll
Don’t Think I’ve Forgotten: Cambodia’s Lost Rock and Roll is a documentary about the thriving rock and roll scene in Cambodia before the covert American war made being a musician something that left you, at best, an outcast, and at worst a target for people who were willing to kill to make sure outsider ideas weren’t gaining ground. You can watch the trailer for the movie above, and it looks like we can all see it in September as part of the Sound Unseen series at the Trylon. For now, you can buy the CD (with what sounds like awesome liner notes) or grab it on itunes to hear a bit about what the burgeoning scene sounded like in the late 60’s to whet your appetite for seeing the movie. The songs range from flowery ballads to garage rock to searing pysch, showcasing what seems like an outstanding scene, something that ended up being one of the many tragic consequences resulting from the Vietnam War in the late 60’s and early 70’s.

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