The Gaslight Anthem “American Slang” Review (Four Takes)

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12 Responses

  1. Sean Tomkins says:

    not being funny but jon behm really hasn’t got a clue about music,gaslight anthem are a fantastic band with 3 classics albums.

  2. Sean Tomkins says:

    “and your papa says he knows that i don’t have any money”

  3. Paul says:

    Josh, dude, . You will thank me later.

  4. Brian Fallon says:

    love the haters,everyone needs many records have you sold?

  5. Sean Prentiss says:

    Wow, those are four of the worst reviews I’ve ever read. But now I’m being just as critical as the reviewers. This album is spectacular. It takes risks. Each song has its own sound. And, again, the Gaslight Anthem has a vision, a motif, for this album. It’s not just ten songs. It is an album.

    I love this album. Best band in America today.

  6. Elle Marion says:

    John Behm doesn’t get “it” because he has no emotional depth- maybe you should see them live and see what everyone else is feeling.

  7. Andy says:

    @Brian Fallon: Since when does record sales define how good an album is? Also, learn to link your site right.

    @Elle Marion: Its an album review, not a live show review. If the kill it live great, but it’s two different things. Also, how can you rate someone’s “emotional depth” on a record review?

  8. Soozie says:

    @ Elle, taking the review a tad personally, aren’t you?

    I think a lot of the comments here are from people who don’t seem to get that album reviews are just that: reviews. Opinions, not glowing praise and promotion of bands and their new, possibly crappy albums.
    Cheers to all 4 of you guys for being honest about how you feel.

    Also blue bottom rocket pops! Now I own that idea.

  9. jonbehm says:

    Well, if emotional depth is measured in love for the Gaslight Anthem then she is right, I have no emotional depth 😉

  10. solace says:

    i’m a HUGE Gaslight fan and even i think the album is fairly mediocre compared to their previous 2 albums.

    if i was reviewing it for 4 takes i’d have given it no better than a 67/100 myself

  11. New Jersey boys Gaslight Anthem’s new album of commercial punk “American Slang” is a little too safe and hit oriented to be called anything close to punk as their bio proclaims. I hear strong Springsteen influence and blatant Social Distortion worship going on here. I like how I can tell these guys love music and classic rock and must be huge fans of so many things rock.

  12. That’s not to say it’s a bad album, there are definitely some high points here. The title track and “Stay Lucky” are a great way to kick off the record and “The Queen Of Lower Chelsea” is a great mid-tempo cut, but I find myself getting bored with the rest of the songs. It’s all just too same-y sounding to me.

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