Bitchin’ Bajas “Vibraquatic” (Show at Cause Saturday)
I find the band Cave, and in particular their latest release, Neverendless, to be wildly underrated by the general music public. While we wait for the band’s next record, I recently found out about a side project from the group called Bitchin Bajas, who have been releasing more electronic/ambient work for the last few years. Like the sound cultivated on Cave records, Bitchin Bajas aren’t concerned with mashing their ideas into a 3:26 song, letting their sounds stretch out and grow organically. While Cave chug along with a more “rockist” approach, featuring fuzzy guitars, Bitchin Bajas are wandering souls, letting loose voluminous slabs of richly textured synths. Check out the colorful video for “Vibraquatic” and immerse yourself in the spaced out tomfoolery Saturday night at Cause in Uptown when Bitchin Bajas come to town and share the stage with kindred spirits Beat Detectives for what should be a great show.
Bitchin’ Bajas – Vibraquatic from olivia wyatt on Vimeo.

Writer / co-founder